Today a post a little 'arrogant' maybe talk about fajin is not easy especially if you have not yet fully acquired, but that at least some info comes from writings found here and there, dressed a little 'personal experience of the martial art you want to go somewhere that is not useful in some way, but first things first.
Fajin (from Chinese 发 劲 Issue which means energy or launch energy), is a term of Chinese martial arts sometimes rendered as explosive force. It is a Chinese word that is made up of two ideograms:
* 发 (Fa), which the dictionary translates as send, send, send, throw, shoot or appear suddenly;
* 劲 (or Jin Jing) with strength, vigor, energy, strong, strong, vigorous.
Visually the effect that we can see some proof is that when the opponent is hit using this type of internal force is practically moved in space in a more or less spectacular (to say also that there is around you many charlatans who are in agreement with the students are doing their utmost in pilot demonstrations, so be careful not to believe everything you see, ask to try more than 'feel' the force). But as
is this possible? There is an explanation which I think is very well expressed by the image above: if I use a progressive-style force to be clear (eg imagine you count from 1 .. 2 .. 3 to 100) directly to a large contact surface certainly will not get fa-jin because my strength will be somewhat scattered over a large area, expressing instead a force of explosive (1 ... 100 now) concentrated in one point I get the fa-jin.
In the type of kung-fu and practical this is achieved by movements less distracting, less extensive and trying to move lightly and avoid weigh when in contact with the enemy and use the mind intention (Yi).
Obviously this is a job several years ago that I do not think you get so-jin 'eheheh easily and perhaps are not even able to convey much more than this, but I hope they at least have caught the essence even if only for a moment, just like the F-jin at times you feel once and for a moment, but already this is a good goal.
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