all, within us, we would like to feel a bit special. I like to think that we have all the important qualities that we bring out, always use ... and then there are the values, feelings, healthy, those that our parents taught us, such as honesty, loyalty, fairness, dignity and respect ... they need to live, "the cornerstone" of our lives.
We take them at the bottom of our hearts and lead us in our lives, in the reactions of everyday life, influence our relationship with the person and others, may seem old principles, the old days, they are actually values \u200b\u200bthat unfortunately are losing ...

Is it not true that our relationship with others is also based on mutual trust?? Instead, today, we have become greedy and attached to money, suspicious and selfish ...
An old proverb says: "We lived best when lived worse" ... Today, all these values \u200b\u200bare rarely
... I'm old enough to remember that the first c 'was more poverty, we had all this wealth, yet he lived happier, we wanted more, for they, perhaps, were not left out the true values?!
Today I do not know if it is easy for everyone to respond (in a conscious way though) to this question: "What are the most important things in your life?"
It's hard to believe today that "committed and impregnated" well-being, as we are, we do not feel the need for more, the need to strive to hold balances above the true values \u200b\u200bby example that we give to young people.
may seem, these words "utopian" but are really just words ...
"When you are sincere there is no doubt on the person and his heart" Peppy
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