The photos here next cover all different weapons used in Kobudo of Okinawa, including those you can see even an oar!
In ancient Koryu was in fact essential to know how to fight in any situation and soil, and demonstrate a versatility that you can use any weapon at the right time.
flexibility so as survival, the famous swordsman Miyamoto Musashi wrote:
When you are trained in the use of more weapons you have the advantage of being able to choose the most appropriate depending on the time or circumstances
The ryu kenjutsu that I study, the Katori Shinto provides a training katana, bo, naginata, Ryota, kodachi, yari ... then it follows that the words of Musashi were deeply wise, but now a thing need to be flexible?
I think now the soft, spongy (JU) is one of the rarest gifts and more difficult to grow, but as the time needed to survive today is to live without being overwhelmed by daily stress and discomfort, then learn to cultivate before the dojo which is always a protected environment and then try to bring it in everyday life, we will get enormous benefits for our health.
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