Once a man told me: "If I knew how to paint, paint life as a beautiful woman, with her right hand that looks good on you, but with his left hand, hidden behind his back, holding a whip firmly with which it often settles for shots that you mark. (I wonder why we women are always drawn to them in dance!). I find it beautiful, really, you agree with this comparison?! But
not digress ... Just look around to see people constantly unhappy, sad, mournful. It is true that we have all the problems, some more than others, but we must react, to be more positive, do not leave room for the sadness and pessimism. Each of our deep anguish as sooner or later find reason to weaken and subside, as long as we want, always rises after the night ... the dawn is the life that lives in these conflicts. Well! I have the audacity to think that everyone has the strength inside to do everything ...

There's a thin line that divides the "go" from "give up", but one thing is certain, that to go you have to believe in what you're doing, you believe in yourself, the only important thing in life is to be able to find their own peace of mind, without depending on anyone ... to find the interior equilibrium made up of many small things ... ... with the Securities ... to help you find the strength and ' energy to move forward with dignity, courage and determination! I do not think it's easy, not at all, but life is not made of big jumps, but only small, quiet steps ... you have to struggle to overcome obstacles ... to have the strength to stand up if you fall ... life is one of the most challenging beautiful ... and as Charles Chaplin said "life is too good to be insignificant ... "
We always try to be happy, so ... just small things, nothing, short of the things that happen! Could not happen again ...
Life can be sad or wonderful but it is our life! I think it's great, despite everything, be able to give a smile to those who are worse off than us is just a small token of love, but that can warm the heart of the recipient.
I want to give this message that needs no words: "We are all capable of making the heroes when the river is calm, but only when impetuous bursts, shows the true essence of a person.
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