Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Livial With Hysterectomy

long as we can ...

not know if many will talk about newspapers, Rai News 24 he did so, and since I seem to be enough to give a 'further clarification on who is our Chairman of the Board, if any were needed, I will fully public.

Mills corrupt Prime Minister. Berlusconi: Judgement scandalous

David Mills acted "to allow Silvio Berlusconi and Fininvest group impunity 'of the charges, or at least, the maintenance of huge profits. "PDCI and IDV: In a normal country the prime minister should resign.

Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi announced who will report 'to Parliament on the case and Mills in the afternoon by The Eagle said: "It' s just a scandalous sentence, contrary to reality ', as I am sure will certainly' established on appeal regarding Mr. Mills." E He added:

"With these courts we can not 'do. When the trial will resume 'with other judges prove' my total estrangement '. "

The British lawyer, who was sentenced in Milan to four years and six months for corruption in judicial acts agi '"by false witness" - we read in the motivations of the sentence - "to allow Silvio Berlusconi and Fininvest group impunity' the charges, or at least, the maintenance of huge profits. "

"Mills has certainly acted on false testimony from one side to allow Silvio Berlusconi and Fininvest group impunity 'by allegations or at least maintaining
the huge profits made through the completion of the corporate and financial transactions carried out up to the illegal date. On the other hand has simultaneously pursued their own economic advantage. " The writing of the judges of the Court Milan, tenth section, to motivate the reasons for the sentence decided on February 17 by David Mills on corruption in judicial acts in competition with Silvio Berlusconi.

Mills was charged with taking 600 thousand dollars to provide false or reticent in two older processes Milan: All Iberian and the corruption in the Guardia di Finanza.

The position of Silvio Berlusconi, Mills 'co-defendant, had been severed since the judges of the Tenth Chamber of the Court of Milan had sent the documents to the process of consultation for' check the correspondence to the Constitution of the so-called Lodo Alfano, covering the four most 'highest offices of state.
The trial against Berlusconi and 'therefore been suspended.

The reasons for the sentence to Mills in four years and six months are contained in 376 pages.

Viva Italy and a nice trip away from here! ;)


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