The other afternoon I was at my computer, hanging out a little here and there and clicking it happened to me read a "letter" that touched my heart ... I had prepared some thoughts to express my opinion about it, but I would find myself with a long string of words that in any case would not be able to express my feelings, and I do not intend to bore any readers. I find her beautiful, full of meaning, of course I feel very close to my comfort zone ... and I'm glad to let you know: no need for words to describe it, only emotions
... I wanted to give it this title:
other side. . . mirror. . .
Dear my son .... the day when I see old and they are not already, be patient and try to understand me ... if I
dirty when I eat and I can not dress ...
remember the time I spent to teach you
if, when I repeat to you the same thing ...
not interrupt, listen to me ...

When you see my ignorance on new technologies, give me the necessary time and not look at me with that wry smile ...
I had all the patience to teach the ABC
I've taught so many things ... and get dressed, eat at ... face life ...
When I can not remember or lose my train of thought ... give me time to remember ... and if I can not, do not be nervous ...
the most important thing is not what we say but my need to be with you; and have you there to listen to me ...
When my tired legs do not allow me to hold your hand ... do not treat me as if I were a weight come to me with your strong hands ...
in the same way I did with you when you move your first steps.
In return I will give you a smile and the immense love I have always had for you.
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