IN CHINA China is a country that is very modest in accordance with the Western view, but this is from the twelfth century AD In the tenth century AD, a philosophical movement called Neo-Confucianism argued that males and females were no longer dating from 13 years. Therefore, starting from adolescence there was no contact between men and women.
Before that time, China was a country very libertine but there were no brothels in the way we understand them. There were pleasure houses where the girls accompanied the officers in their movements without having sex because was very easy to find elsewhere. Rather it was to talk to companions, usually with good culture. On the contrary after the advent of neo-Confucian China is populated by brothels charge. Before the tenth century AD, the Chinese tried to understand how
during intercourse could be found not only pleasure but also longevity. Current Taoist Southern advised people to make love every day, but without ejaculation. The man had to meet the woman, and when the woman was satisfied, the man had to stop. We recall that in ancient times was the custom of polygamy, wife, second wife, concubine, etc.. For this reason the Chinese have had the time need to develop a technique itself. Within this methodology there are many studies to treat conditions such as premature ejaculation and techniques used were very similar to those that offer today's modern
sexologists. The techniques have been developed and enriched gradually over time. Van Gulik A good book - published in Italy to Adelphi - and sex life in ancient China ..
is not making love just for fun, but also for health. You can earn ten or fifteen years and can gain energy. There are times when you should not have sexual relations when you are angry or drunk, when there a storm or when you are close to cemeteries or churches.
When you make love with feeling is energy that is generated and flows between two people. At the time of ejaculation the man must retire suddenly. In this way, the man who has picked up saves energy and keeps the female part of the energy that you have. If the woman wants to double the energy stops man and makes him stay longer, and then retains all the energy itself, even that of man. This is something that nature has biologically determined. In fact, the female is responsible for ensuring the continuation of the species and thus needs twice as much energy.
If you follow these rules you will have good health.
It has been said repeatedly that the universe is composed of energy and we are a part of this cosmos, the universe and our body is reflected in our body we have a reflection of its rhythms and its rules.
If we want to live as long as the universe we must try to imitate the world and be his like. In this context, Taoism has developed techniques in an attempt to simulate the animals or evolution of the seasons. On the day alternating light and dark, yang and yin, in our human world this alternation is also given by the difference in sex, being male or female. China is one of the countries which there is historical documentation of the existence of homosexuality.
In the fifth century BC It is said that a king had a favorite who suddenly departed with the king's wife. The housekeeper was very sad not because he had lost his wife, but because the favorite was far away. Then to get it back said that he would have forgiven both because his mother wanted to see his wife. Often, to talk about homosexuality, using idioms that go back to stories or legends. One day the king's favorite was eating a peach, and finding it very good, gave the king, and since then it is said that those who "shares the deep" is gay. Another story says that, while a rear king lay with his favorite, suddenly entered his minister of defense as a matter of great urgency. The king, thinking of a danger, not to wake the favorite drew his sword and cut off the long sleeves of his robe. Since then we say that a homosexual "has the sleeves cut off." Taoism does not say whether it is right or wrong to practice homosexuality, its nature does not provide for moral judgments, however, notes that it is very harmful to health. The anus in Chinese medicine is called Po Men (Gate of the Po) and Po are related to the intestine and lung is not by chance that many homosexuals suffer from major respiratory problems. Chinese medicine says that the anus is a place to eliminate (faeces and waste energy) and not receive anything. If what is penetrated
has no power to receive, the energy circulation is disrupted. Those who live like this as, at a price to pay. Who wants to become immortal, therefore, should not practice homosexuality.
When you make love with feeling is energy that is generated and flows between two people. At the time of ejaculation the man must retire suddenly. In this way, the man who has picked up saves energy and keeps the female part of the energy that you have. If the woman wants to double the energy stops man and makes him stay longer, and then retains all the energy itself, even that of man. This is something that nature has biologically determined. In fact, the female is responsible for ensuring the continuation of the species and thus needs twice as much energy.
If you follow these rules you will have good health.
It has been said repeatedly that the universe is composed of energy and we are a part of this cosmos, the universe and our body is reflected in our body we have a reflection of its rhythms and its rules.
If we want to live as long as the universe we must try to imitate the world and be his like. In this context, Taoism has developed techniques in an attempt to simulate the animals or evolution of the seasons. On the day alternating light and dark, yang and yin, in our human world this alternation is also given by the difference in sex, being male or female. China is one of the countries which there is historical documentation of the existence of homosexuality.
In the fifth century BC It is said that a king had a favorite who suddenly departed with the king's wife. The housekeeper was very sad not because he had lost his wife, but because the favorite was far away. Then to get it back said that he would have forgiven both because his mother wanted to see his wife. Often, to talk about homosexuality, using idioms that go back to stories or legends. One day the king's favorite was eating a peach, and finding it very good, gave the king, and since then it is said that those who "shares the deep" is gay. Another story says that, while a rear king lay with his favorite, suddenly entered his minister of defense as a matter of great urgency. The king, thinking of a danger, not to wake the favorite drew his sword and cut off the long sleeves of his robe. Since then we say that a homosexual "has the sleeves cut off." Taoism does not say whether it is right or wrong to practice homosexuality, its nature does not provide for moral judgments, however, notes that it is very harmful to health. The anus in Chinese medicine is called Po Men (Gate of the Po) and Po are related to the intestine and lung is not by chance that many homosexuals suffer from major respiratory problems. Chinese medicine says that the anus is a place to eliminate (faeces and waste energy) and not receive anything. If what is penetrated
has no power to receive, the energy circulation is disrupted. Those who live like this as, at a price to pay. Who wants to become immortal, therefore, should not practice homosexuality.
Source: http://scuolatao.blogspot.com/?spref=fb
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