This morning I discovered a little 'me .. a bit 'of that spirit that I thought I lost .. Indeed, I am ashamed a bit ', but would be more correct to write: I have rediscovered a bit' of that spirit that I had forgotten!
I found myself at 8.00 to walk to my town after leaving the car to a mechanic ... in fact I was walking from one side of town to get to the other ... After a while, 'as I walked, I suddenly woke up and I realized that I had done all the way, although my eyes were open and able to distinguish an empty road by a flood of cars, thus allowing me to no end crushed at the first crossing, did not remember much! But what I was doing all that time? Yet it seemed to me to be there, with my body ... I had not actually lost a bit 'tired and in a lot on my mind .. It 'was like taking a blow from a giant! But how many times I happens in life? How many times have the blank stare and lose myself spectacular landscapes and luminous eyes? How many of us live like this? But that is life, a life lived only in the imagination, a life for a life of unreal images that reach the brain because we already know the "landscape" and then each tree is the same, every flower, every cloud, every leaf, becomes a leaf any "and is no longer that specific leaf! And then eventually, every man is simply to categorize within any category and we lose the individuality, his marvelous absolute oneness! Sure! Unless we stop looking and never try to understand and see more possible side ... every day becomes the same, every month every year and then?! Then comes the moment when we are forced to leave the body I am e.. and it is as if we lived a tenth year of our real! No guys .. no joking!
Then this morning I started to look at everything as if seeing it for the first time, as do children who have to find out .. and I realized .. I understand why we feel alive while traveling! We are alive because they saw things we see every day our focus is always to 1000 and so all our receptors and they stay open while we look with eyes flooded also by the scents, sounds, we also feel the heat of the sun or the caress of the wind! But damn it! That's where he hid the puzzle! Before my eyes! The job of travelers! And 'that my essence, but not necessarily to thousands of miles, but every holy day, every moment, even when I go to the bar for a coffee! And 'the spirit that counts, are the eyes, the look that you have on the world!
So this morning I discovered that it was enough to observe the world to bring out the smile on his face and I felt alive, tired but alive, and even if in your heart still bleeds for the fresh wound I managed to smile while My eyes were burning a bit 'for the tears! I am Young Apprentice, that's for sure, at least for me and I do not know if there really is a "right way" to follow, but I think each of us can try to find out what is the proper and agree to follow it by bringing into play what you have ...
Buon Viaggio
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